Everybody likes to retain their youthful appearance. Lots of trouble and money is spent to eliminate or hide the aging signs including wrinkles. Expensive moisturizers, collagen injection and Botox methods are used.
Modern researchers have seen promising effects of hemp plant because of the active cannabidiol compound present in them. CBD is versatile and has its own way of interacting with human endocannabinoid system [ECS].
Scientific research has already revealed that CBD helps to treat pain syndromes, digestive complains and even pain management in variety of health conditions like Crohn’s Disease, cancer, diabetes, fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, and more. Latest discovery is about CBD oil’s success in combating aging signs including wrinkles.
How wrinkles get caused?
Wrinkles are the creases and lines that are visible on the skin as you grow old. It is normal because as you grow old there is loss of elasticity and moisture due to decline of elastin in your skin. Body becomes less effective to combat inflammation, retain moisture and repair itself. This is the main cause of wrinkles.
Crease on the skin first appears on those parts that are exposed to sun and external elements every day. Moreover, genetic predisposition also play a huge role in how early the wrinkling will start.
Other variables that increase the formation of wrinkles are smoking, pollutants and repeated facial expression. The cause behind formation of wrinkles also gives an idea of the efficiency of CBD oil in combatting creases and lines.
What exactly is CBD oil?
CBD oil is derived from hemp plant using the CO2 extraction process. CBD is a cannabinoid that does not possess psychoactive properties. In other words, it does not cause the euphoric high or stoned feeling.
Make sure to buy hemp plant based CBD products because it has extremely low percentage of THC that is responsible for the high. Moreover, you will not need to be concerned about your purchase legality.
How CBD combats the wrinkles?
Hemp plant belongs to cannabis sativa family. For centuries, it has been used in treating variety of ailments and conditions. In the 1980 research conducted to conclude why cannabis targets, so many medical conditions. This lead to discovery of ECS or endocannabinoid system in human body.
There is a network of acidic molecules or endo-cannbinoids across the body and its connected systems. The main function of ECS is to maintain and regulated homeostasis or balance.
ECS functions at cellular level. It stimulates the C1 and C2 receptors, so as to fulfil the bodily needs. Sometimes, ECS has to compromise because of variables like poor diet, autoimmune system, drug/alcohol abuse, adverse lifestyle choices and no exercise. CBD helps ECS to function efficiently.
Hemp CBD oil interacts well with your skin’s ECS because they are same. Therefore, CBD oil used topically or orally helps to fight wrinkles.
CBD oil properties
- Powerful antioxidant, so protects the production of collagen and decreases free radicals.
- Natural moisturizer that promotes the secretion of oil.
- Anti-inflammatory, thus helps skin relax and make wrinkles less noticeable.
Allow the potency of CBD oil products like eye cream and anti-ageing cream to work for you!