
Tips To Develop An Improved Work Order Process

Work orders work as an engine of a maintenance operation in an organization. They supply power to the team and displace work from one point to another. There are several engines worldwide, in different forms ranging from high-powered studs to rusted duds. Let us know more about the work order and the various processes of it.

About a work order

Arbetsorder order serves as a tool of communication that conveys all the needed information pertaining to a task. Work orders aid everyone from technician organizer to maintenance managers, in assigning, prioritizing, tracking, and completing major tasks.

When it is performed well, work orders help to capture information, distribute it, and then use it for getting the work performed as smoothly as possible.

About the work order process

Each and every work order comes with a lifecycle that contains 3 major phases such as creation, recording and completion. All these phases are bifurcated into various steps. On understanding these steps along with having a proper work order procedure in place ensure that the tasks do not stuck in just single phase and gets converted into a backlog.

Identification of tasks

Maintenance tasks are categories that fall into 2 groups, as unplanned maintenance and planned maintenance. The planned maintenance comprises of all those jobs that you know before time, such as routine examinations.

On the other hand, unplanned maintenance comprises of all those tasks that you can’t predict such as an unexpected breakdown.

Creation of a maintenance request

The job details are collected and submitted for maintenance. When a machine gets broken, then an operator prepares a work request. This request is then submitted to maintenance. If the task is properly planned, then a work order gets created. It is triggered at the right time.

Prioritize and schedule the work order

A few jobs are time-sensitive when compared to others. Once you prioritize the work order, you will now need to schedule. These work orders are easy to schedule on the basis of a set deadline, dedicated time blocks and planned maintenance triggers. Setting a deadline helps in keeping everyone informed and accountable to avoid any misfortunate circumstances.

Allocate and accomplish work

The work order gets allocated to a trained technician, who will then accomplish the task. This can either be a quick equipment check, or a complicated repair job that consumes several days.

Closing and documenting work order

A well-organized work order helps in critical building of asset histories, review of past work solutions, and preparation for audits. Once the work order terms get completed, its closing can be done. Managers may require checking the work order for any compliance needs. Once the work order gets closed, the work order can easily be filed.

Analyze and rework work order

Completed work orders comprise of valuable information. They will provide you important insight into the systems and processes that can be efficiently used for fine-tuning the operation.

When you have a log of work order, you can enable technicians to spot alternate solutions and missed steps on occurrence of issues.


These are the steps in which work order gets implemented in a business.