Thank you for your enthusiasm for contributing to the! We have both paid and unpaid opportunities for writers with varying degrees of expertise.
We typically publish material from writers who have firsthand knowledge of a disability, chronic illness, or mental health issue. Although parents, teachers, and health professionals are encouraged to submit work for consideration, the majority of our paid positions are presently reserved for people who live with a disease.
We are a tiny social company run exclusively by handicapped and chronically sick individuals, so please keep in mind that we have a very limited budget for paying authors right now. In the future, we intend to expand the quantity of compensated articles.
When you submit material to us, you may specify whether you want it considered for paid, unpaid, or both possibilities.
Currently, We Are Seeking Proposals And Articles On The Following Topics And Themes:
- How-To Guides: Step-by-step instructions for resolving an issue, receiving assistance, and/or living effectively with a handicap or chronic illness.
- Shopping & Gift Guides: Items you enjoy and suggest to persons with disabilities and chronic illnesses. Recommendations for holiday and birthday gifts for people who have a certain disease, need, or passion.
- Understanding Disability & Chronic Illness: Educational pieces for newcomers to the community as well as non-disabled persons looking to become better allies.
- News & Views: Responding to current events and political problems. Articles about the intersections between disability and race, gender, sexual orientation, and so on.
- Keep your articles positive.
- Articles should be of reasonable length.
- Proofread and submit your best work to us.
- Pseudonyms are acceptable.
- Describe yourself and others using current, appropriate terminology.
- Avoid overgeneralizations and untested health claims.
- Always cite your sources.
- Send photographs if possible.
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